Giraffe is very sociable and lives in large open herds.
Giraffes may be in a heard composed of all males, all
females, females and young, or of both sexes and all ages
or all alone if it is a mature bull or a cow guarding
a new calf. There are no leaders. Giraffe's spend most
of their time feeding independently between variably spaced
trees With their size, giraffe's can be appart for large
periods of time because it is unnecessary for them to
bunch together for mutual security.
Though normally silent, calves make mewing calls. Courting
bulls may emit a raucous cough. Giraffes also give alarm
snorts, and moaning, snoring hissing, and flutelike sounds
have been reported. In galloping it can reach the top
speed of 37 mph [60 kph] The giraffe's legs work in pairs
like a running rabbit. To drink, a giraffe must either
straddle or bend its forelegs.